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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Stupid Glitch Wouldn't Let Me Log In!

The tittle say it all!!

News that some of you will be all like "What the nuggets!" at me. Others might understand and NOT bother me about it, but whatevs.

I traded my elf bracelets. Yesss, the green ones. And yeah, why in all the Nine Hells would I have done that? Because they hurt me. Every time I entered a room, only a friend would say hi. Everyone else, though, they would say "WHAT FOR THE CUFFS!!??" and stuff like that. It was painful. Now it's over with. Just... I bet I lost people to my blog. Some peeps only read this because of them, I just know it.

I'm done with them. Done done done! I got what I wanted, an easy life and the whatnots. Course, I get asked for my black bracelets, but not as often. I'm just glad it's over.


♥FuzzyMushroom said...

I'm NOT leaving this blog just because of some Elf Cuffs. Don't think that everyone going to leave just because you don't have them. Rares just make people miserable. -.- Now were all addicted to getting them.

Anonymous said...

My blog is:



Anonymous said...

(late post) i know i have a fox hat when ever i put it on trade they trade me uselessiy then the say WHAT FOR THE HAT! it sucks

Anonymous said...

im djking233 and it stinks when ppl do that

djking233 said...

same guy as the anonymous person i lost the hat but got a mummy glove (10x better) so just like u say, bai!

djking233 said...

djking again loving my mummy glove and this blog and i may join facebook even tough i'm a kid so my blog will b thereso bai