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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Kttykt- Most Trustworthy Friend

OK, so i was just sitting around in the Jamaa township, when I saw someone yelling "I SAY NO TO ALL TRADES". Yeah, I know. Don't fall for that stuff. I wasn't stupid enough to trade her.

So I traded her my green elf bracelets.

And she said no.

Pangaea didn't believe me, even though I did it again. Pangaea told us to make a video of the trade. Problem is, kttykt and I have no idea how to do that. BUT, kttykt told me she could take screen shots with just as much quality as mine. So, (trusting her) I did a trade. She said no almost right away.

Then she emailed me the pic, and now I'm posting it here. So here you go, Pangaea.

As you can see, it was ME who made the trade, and I still have my cuffs.

So there you have it. Kttykt didn't scam.


Zelda said...

Where's the "Declined your trade" sign?

Dolphingirl7 said...

Kewl Blog! :D

So yea...
